namespace RecordMyStats.Windows; /// <summary> /// code behind for <see cref="RecordStatsWindow"/> /// </summary> public partial class RecordStatsWindow : Window { private string _sessionKey; private string _fullName; private string _token; private IVitalsBLL vitalsBLL = VitalsFactory.GetVitalsBLL(); public RecordStatsWindow(string sessionKey, string fullName, string token) { InitializeComponent(); GlobalUISettings.AddToWindowsList(this); ucMainMenu.SessionKey = sessionKey; ucMainMenu.FullName = fullName; ucMainMenu.ParentWindow = this as Window; ucMainMenu.Token = token; var info = vitalsBLL.GetMemberInfoBySessionKey(sessionKey, token, out string memberInfoErrors); this.Title = Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName + " - Quick Stats"; UpdateTime(); txtFullName.Content = fullName + " logged in."; _sessionKey = sessionKey; _fullName = fullName; _token = token; cmbBloodSugarUnits.Items.Add("mg/dL"); cmbBloodSugarUnits.Items.Add("mmol/L"); cmbBloodSugarUnits.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbWeightUnits.Items.Add("lbs"); cmbWeightUnits.Items.Add("kgs"); cmbWeightUnits.SelectedIndex = 0; } private void UpdateTime() { var now = DateTime.Now; this.dpDate.SelectedDate = now; this.txtTime.Text = $"{now.Hour:D2}:{now.Minute:D2}.{now.Second:D2}"; } private void btnRefreshTime_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UpdateTime(); } private void chkBloodPressureNotRecorded_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var thisCb = sender as CheckBox; if (thisCb != null && thisCb.IsChecked.HasValue) { this.txtBloodPressureSys.IsEnabled = !thisCb.IsChecked.Value; this.txtBloodPressureDia.IsEnabled = !thisCb.IsChecked.Value; } } private void chkBloodSugarNotRecorded_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var thisCb = sender as CheckBox; if (thisCb != null && thisCb.IsChecked.HasValue) { this.txtBloodSugar.IsEnabled = !thisCb.IsChecked.Value; } } private void chkWeightNotRecorded_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var thisCb = sender as CheckBox; if (thisCb != null && thisCb.IsChecked.HasValue) { this.txtWeight.IsEnabled = !thisCb.IsChecked.Value; } } private void chkPulseNotRecorded_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var thisCb = sender as CheckBox; if (thisCb != null && thisCb.IsChecked.HasValue) { this.txtPulse.IsEnabled = !thisCb.IsChecked.Value; } } private void btnRecord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int? pulse = null; if (this.chkPulseNotRecorded.IsChecked ?? false) { pulse = null; } else { if (int.TryParse(this.txtPulse.Text, out int res)) { pulse = res; } else { MessageBox.Show("Pulse value is not valid.", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); return; } } int? bloodSugar = null; // int j = 0; if (this.chkBloodSugarNotRecorded.IsChecked ?? false) { bloodSugar = null; } else { if (int.TryParse(this.txtBloodSugar.Text, out int res)) { bloodSugar = res; } else { MessageBox.Show("Blood sugar value is not valid.", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); return; } } int? dia = null; if (int.TryParse(this.txtBloodPressureDia.Text, out int intDia)) { dia = intDia; } int? sys = null; if (int.TryParse(this.txtBloodPressureSys.Text, out int intSys)) { sys = intSys; } double? wt = null; if (double.TryParse(this.txtWeight.Text, out double dblWeight)) { wt = dblWeight; } if (this.cmbBloodSugarUnits.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a blood sugars unit from blood sugar units drop down", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); return; } var bsUnits = this.cmbBloodSugarUnits.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (this.cmbWeightUnits.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a weight unit from weight units drop down", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); return; } var wtUnits = this.cmbWeightUnits.SelectedValue.ToString(); DateTime newDateTime; if (rbEntryTimeNow.IsChecked ?? false) { newDateTime = DateTime.Now; } else { var dateStr = (this.dpDate.SelectedDate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") ?? "") + " " + this.txtTime.Text; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(dateStr, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out newDateTime)) { MessageBox.Show("Date and time are not in right format", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); return; } if (newDateTime > DateTime.Now) { MessageBox.Show("Date time cannot be future", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); return; } } StatisticEntry entry = new StatisticEntry() { HeartRate = pulse, BloodSugar = bloodSugar, BPDiastolic = dia, BPSystolic = sys, Weight = wt, BSUnits = bsUnits, WeightUnits = wtUnits, CreateDate = newDateTime }; bool success = vitalsBLL.AddEntry(entry, _sessionKey, _token, out string addEntryErrors); if (success) { MessageBox.Show("Entry saved successfully.", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); } else { MessageBox.Show($"Trouble saving entry: {addEntryErrors}", Constants.AppGlobal.ApplicationName); } Note testNote = new Note() { Description = "test note", FullText = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", Key1 = "key1", Key2 = "key2", ModBy = "slaing", Created = DateTime.Now, IsActive = true }; bool s2 = vitalsBLL.AddNoteEntry(testNote, _sessionKey, _token, out string addNoteErrors); if (s2) { } } private void rbEntryTimeNow_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.dpDate.IsEnabled = false; this.txtTime.IsEnabled = false; } private void rbEntryTimeCustom_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.dpDate.IsEnabled = true; this.txtTime.IsEnabled = true; } }