Program Listing for:  odbc_console.cpp
Project:  datapiece
Namespace:  c++

// odbc_console.cpp 
// odbc_console C++ project, Visual C++ 6
// Scott Laing
// odbc_console.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// this is the main calling C++ module file for odbc_console.cpp project
// this project is a port to C++ of a perl cgi script which appears to be failing due to a driver error
// the cgi script is crc2.pl and it's located in /cgi-bin directory on the web server.  
// what it does: when passed a select statement this returns this info from the select along with
// critical column information on types, widths, decimals, nulls etc.  from this info the remote
// appeals program (REMA.PJX) can recreate a dynamic fox cursor on the fly from the information returned. the
// process is fairly transperant from Foxpro you can call 
// r_sql("select * from agents", "agent_cursor")
// and this operates almost exactly like
// select * from agents into cursor agent_cursor
// the details of how r_sql function works in fox is in the remote.prg procedure file in the rema project.  basically
// it creates a cursor in the background based on a call to this (or crc2.pl) cgi program which returns the info
// as well as the critical column information, using this info I think create a temporary table in foxpro of the
// same structure, fill it with the returned info, and then return that cursor to the calling fox program.  this
// allows me to with minor modifications (basically replacing selects with r_sql() statements) rewrite a local
// Foxpro program to run raw via the web.  Altho it is not highly secure it could easily be modified to be as
// secure as desired (since this script is read-only it is not a major issue on the state site as the info is
// public anyway). i.e. you could add a des or triple-des encryption process to the data.  since some home systems
// aren't that fast and this would affect performance I'm not doing this soon but it is a possible addition to
// make this work fairly quickly.
// note: this program requires a System DSN (data source in ODBC Setup in control panel) be defined to point to the app and
// assumes it is named "VFPTEST" it should point to azsboe.dbc foxpro database container.
// note that win32::odbc, one of the perl drivers I am using on the web site scripts, does not return
// column descriptor information of this type but only very simple column values, so it is impossible to recreate
// crc2.pl to work with win32::odbc.  I was using perls dbi module with dbd:odbc and that appeared to work and was
// stable under our old setup, however now that we've upgraded the web computers it is acting difficult possibly
// a driver version issue OR an issue with this version of perl OR an issue with IIS 5 or Windows 2000 and Perl
// or dbi module.  Rather than exhaustively research this and/or try to go back a version, which may not work
// anyway for sure, I'm rewriting crc2.pl in C++ using MFC and Visual C++ 6.  
// last mod (that I bothered to document): Feb 18, 2002
// 2/16-18 (ish) added memo update features these relate to sending info to update a memo value
//          this must be treated separately as the normal update chokes on more than 255 chars
//          in a field.  see notes below in code

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "odbc_console.h"
#include "MyRecordSet.h"
#include "Field.h"
#include "CgiLib.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// The one and only application object

CWinApp theApp;

using namespace std; // i luvvvv the STL, statement required for STL function usage

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
         int nRetCode = 0;
         bool bFromCmd = false; // set to true for debugging from command line
         bool bUpdateCall = false;
         bool bMemoSafeVersion = true;
         bool bMemoUpdate = false;

         char *memo_field;
         char *memo_table;
         char *where_clause;
         char *memo_value;
         char *test_only = NULL;
         CString bigchar;

         // initialize MFC and print an error on failure
         if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0))
                  // MFC failure of some kind
                  //cout << _T("ERROR: MFC initialization failed") << endl;
                  //nRetCode = 1;
                  cout << "0:MFC error executing odbc_console.exe";
                  cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                  /* need to declare a pointer variable of type LIST to keep track of our list */
                  // this uses the cgi-lib functions elsewhere in the project
                  LIST *head;

                  /* need to call this function at the beginning to initiate and setup out list */
                  if (! bFromCmd )
                           head = cgi_input_parse(); // basic cgi-function to get the cgi parameters

                  // always send standard http reply header (so we can view in the browser, and remote program
                  // direct socket connection expects it also).
                  cout << "HTTP/1.0\r\n";
                  cout << "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
                  cout << "\r\n";

                  if (0) {
                           cout << "<html><body>\n\r";
                           cout << theApp.m_lpCmdLine; // cgi parameters aren't included in this variable, interesting note
                                                               //         as i learned during debugging, they are a part of the environment string this
                                                               // cgi param stuff is now grabbed by cgi-lib functions included in the project.
                           cout << "<br>\n\r";

                  char select[801];

                  if (! bFromCmd ) {


                           // required cgi params: name, should be "scooby"
                           //                           update, sql update command
                           //                           select, sql select command
                           //                           password, should be "magic" for update call

                           char *name = find_val(head, "name"); 

                           if (! name ) {
                                    cout << "0:bad params";
                                    cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                           if ( strcmp(name, "scooby") ) {
                                    cout << "0:bad params";
                                    cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                           test_only = find_val(head, "test");

                           char *memo = find_val(head, "memo");

                           // see if a memo update, this is a special update requires some special logic
                           if (memo) {

                                    memo_field = find_val(head, "field");
                                    memo_table = find_val(head, "table");
                                    where_clause = find_val(head, "where");
                                    memo_value = find_val(head, "value");

                                    if (! memo_field || ! memo_table || ! where_clause || ! memo_value ) {
                                             cout << "0:bad param1"; // dont want to say bad password, i'm misspelling paramss to clue myself
                                                                                                   // in to how this failed
                                             cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                                    bMemoUpdate = true;

                           } else {

                                    // foxpro update call (from remote.prg in remote appeals project rema.pjx)
                                    //mstr = GetCGIRequest("", "DBI.PL?update=" + tcupdate2 + "&name=scooby&password=magic")

                                    // foxpro select call
                                    // ms = gettextback("GET /CGI-BIN/CRC2.PL?select=" + tcSelect + "&name=scooby" +  " HTTP/1.1" + ;
                                    //                                                      cr + cr, 500)

                                    // this may look arcane for a full understanding of these functions see rema.pjx project

                                    // note: either select or update params are defined, either but not both, both is an error
                                    char *select_val = find_val(head, "select");
                                    char *update_param = find_val(head, "update");

                                    // neither param defined
                                    if (! select_val && ! update_param) {
                                             cout << "0:bad params";
                                             cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                                    // both defined
                                    if ( select_val != NULL && update_param != NULL ) {
                                             cout << "0:bad params, unclear process type";
                                             cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                                    // this is a select type call
                                    if (select_val != NULL) {
                                             if ( strlen( select_val) > 800 ) {
                                                      cout << "0:error: passed select string is too long > 800 chars";
                                                      cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                                             strcpy(select, select_val) ; 

                                    // otherwise this is an update call, i.e. data changing call like "update" or "delete" or "insert"
                                    } else {

                                             // make sure they are passing the password param with the right value before allowing update
                                             char *password = find_val(head, "password");
                                             if (password == NULL ) {
                                                      cout << "0:bad params"; // dont want to say bad password, i'm misspelling paramss to clue myself
                                                                                                            // in to how this failed
                                                      cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                                             if ( strcmp( password, "magic") ) {
                                                      cout << "0:bad paramss"; // dont want to say bad password, i'm misspelling paramss to clue myself
                                                                                                            // in to how this failed
                                                      cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                                             if ( strlen( update_param) > 800 ) {
                                                      cout << "0:error: passed update string is too long > 800 chars";
                                                      cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                                             strcpy(select, update_param) ; 
                                             bUpdateCall = true;


                  // otherwise command line call probably from testing, if so, just do a simple little sample command
                  } else {

                           //strcpy(select, "select * from agents order by nagentid where recno() < 10");

                           // sample memo call
                           if (1) {

                                    cout << "memo test" << "\n";

                                    bigchar = "";
                                    int n;
                                    char misc[100];
                                    strcpy(misc, "abc\\rde[fghijklmn\\nopqrstu]vwxy[1234567890!@#$%^&*()") ;
                                    // throw in a newline and carriage return to test the translation
                                    misc[5] = '\x0a';
                                    misc[10] = '\x0d';

                                    // build a very long string
                                    for (n=0;n<60;n++)
                                             bigchar += misc;

                                    memo_field = (char *)malloc(200);
                                    strcpy(memo_field, "mcontent");
                                    memo_table = (char *)malloc(200);
                                    strcpy(memo_table, "mailer");
                                    where_clause = (char *)malloc(200);
                                    strcpy(where_clause, "mail_id = 200");
                                    memo_value = (char *)malloc(6000);
                                    strcpy(memo_value, bigchar.GetBuffer(0) );

                                    bMemoUpdate = true;

                           // sample update call
                           } else if (1) {
                                    strcpy(select, "insert into hrlink (hrlink_id) values (3843)");
                                    bUpdateCall = true;

                           // sample select call
                           } else {
                                    strcpy(select, "select * from agents where recno() < 50");
                                    bUpdateCall = false;



                  MyRecordSet myRS; // the main recordset for the transaction using my own odbc class

                  CString memo_select; // these variables used with special "memo update" type cgi call logic directly below
                  CString parse_value;
                  CString str_memo_value;

                  int nCode; // sql return string, sometimes an error code

                  // notes on this code in the below if statement:
                  // we are doing a special memo update, the reason this is special is because odbc doesn't like
                  // to have field values in update be longer than 255, it gives an error, so what this does is
                  // breaks it into 255 length chars and appends it via a few update commands, the first sql call does this:
                  // update table set field = [value] where condition
                  //          where value is the left 255 chars of the full string
                  //              then it calls a bunch of updates as follows:
                  //  while (1) {
                  //      value = next 255 length piece of full string
                  //      update table set field = field + [value] where condition
                  //      if (done with string)
                  //           break;
                  //  }
                  //  where value is the the full string broken down into 255 char length pieces (254 actually).  
                  //  this way - using these cgi parameters - they can send a large memo update via these special parameters and 
                  //  update a foxpro memo field also even if
                  //  the field is greater than 255 in length without getting that odbc error (field too long error).
                  //  note: it may be that using prepared parameters with low level sql allows you to get around this 255 limit
                  //       but I am under some deadline pressures to get this fully working and this methodology appears fairly
                  //       fast.  (in other words, I could possibly rework the low level Field and MyRecordSet classes to use a
                  //       different mechanism than several odbc calls breaking the string up like below).  however for speed I'm doing
                  //       it this way (the other way, using prepared parameter odbc calls may or may not accept longer strings).
                  //  note: we could have the remote program call a bunch of normal updates via this same logic, rather
                  //       than handling it special.  i.e. from the calling remote program they could do a
                  //       r_sql("update table set field = left(val,255) where condition")    && note: r_sql = remote sql call
                  //       r_sql("update table set field = substr(val, 256,255) where condition")
                  //       etc. (see rema.pjx and remote.prg procedure file in foxpro for details on remote program)
                  //       but this way - by handling on the server - they can send the string once = one connect, instead of a bunch
                  //       of broken down updates which would involve a bunch of calls which is slower and more abuse of the server (loads
                  //       in the cgi program over and over and isn't as fast, esp for very large memo fields, could call this procedure
                  //       20 or more times if I was using this logic, of breaking down the string on the foxpro calling end).
                  //       also it is not quite as safe, using this logic doing set field = field + [value] assumes the transactions are
                  //       somewhat atomic as we wouldn't want someone else changing the field half-way through the update process, since the
                  //       remote program may have to run on very slow connections, having them go ahead and send the long memo string
                  //       in one cgi sending (invocation of this program), and having the 
                  //       server then break it up and do the updates all at once with it's own logic below (without delays as
                  //       would be involved in the client sending the statements) should make the process more atomic and safe as ODBC
                  //       queries on the server run very very quickly.  
                  //       additional note on the atomic issue: the most common field we are going to be updating
                  //       is the mcontent memo field in the mailer table (mailer.dbf) which would not be changed by other processes during
                  //       normal operation - this process alone would change those fields for the record we are looking at, so the risk 
                  //       of atomic transaction failure is less, at least in that case, but it is something to keep aware of nevertheless.  
                  //       (atomic = doing everything at once, indivisible operation, like a transaction in sql)
                  //   Scott

                  // memo type update
                  if (bMemoUpdate) {

                           // save to a CString for convenience
                           str_memo_value = memo_value;

                           // replace any "\" with "\~" (translation safety)
                           // this avoids the below translation logic from interfering with any naturally occuring
                           // "\r" or "\n" characters in the string, while these are unlikely they are quite possible, so now any
                           // naturally occuring "\r" will look like "\~r" and not be untranslated back to a carriage return as the
                           // artificially created "\r" escape sequences will be.  for example they could say,
                           // "my property tax was really too high \not understandable at all\ and I want it lowered"
                           // if this was the memo string the "\n" above would get translated to a carriage return in the untranslate
                           // sequence using the below logic, however if I pre-wrap the translation with this "\" -> "\~" translation first
                           // this mistake is avoided, see general parsing escaping logic texts.
                           str_memo_value.Replace("\\", "\\~");

                           // translate out newline, carriage returns, as these will cause sql update to FAIL

                           // replace newlines with "\n"
                           str_memo_value.Replace("\x0a", "\\n");

                           // replace cr's with "\r"
                           str_memo_value.Replace("\x0d", "\\r");

                           // also replace brackets (will cause update statement to choke if I don't do this)
                           str_memo_value.Replace("[", "\\b");
                           str_memo_value.Replace("]", "\\c");

                           int length;
                           length = str_memo_value.GetLength();

                           // get first 254 chars to the parsing CString
                           parse_value = str_memo_value.Left(254);

                           int npos = 254;

                           int nlast_no_updated = 0;

                           // set first time flag
                           bool bFirst = true;

                           while (1) {

                                    // first time we update it
                                    if (bFirst)
                                             memo_select.Format("update %s set %s = [%s] where %s", memo_table,
                                                                        memo_field, parse_value.GetBuffer(0), where_clause);

                                    // second time and further calls we are appending to the rest of the string
                                             memo_select.Format("update %s set %s = %s + [%s] where %s", memo_table,
                                                                        memo_field, memo_field, parse_value.GetBuffer(0), where_clause);

                                    // if testing return the parsed up string only
                                    if (test_only) {
                                             cout << memo_select.GetBuffer(0);
                                             cout << "<br>";

                                    // otherwise run the sql command
                                    } else {
                                             nCode = myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST", memo_select.GetBuffer(0) ); 
                                             if (myRS.getRowCount() == 0 && bFirst) {
                                                      cout << "1:rows affected:0";
                                                      cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                                             if (myRS.getRowCount() == 0 && ! bFirst) {
                                                      cout << "0:only partial memo update email will be corrupted";
                                                      cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                                             if (! bFirst && nlast_no_updated != myRS.getRowCount() ) {
                                                      cout << "0:partial update failure on memo-stuff different rowcounts between calls";
                                                      cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                                             nlast_no_updated = myRS.getRowCount();


                                    // string completely processed quit
                                    if (npos >= length)

                                    // get next piece of string
                                    parse_value = str_memo_value.Mid(npos, 254);

                                    // if next piece is empty string, quit
                                    if ( parse_value.IsEmpty() )

                                    // adjust offset
                                    npos += 254;
                                    bFirst = false;


                           // the last step: untranslate out the escape sequences for carriage return and newline
                           // ODBC calls will FAIL with newline or carriage returns in the field value this appears somewhat
                           // poorly designed and memo-unfriendly, however, it is the what it is.  we now fix the translation
                           // of the fields via a call to strtran() in fox, which is like a CString::Replace() call in Foxpro.
                           if (!test_only) {

                                    // we had to translate out brackets, newlines and carriage returns so now translate them back in

                                    memo_select.Format("update %s set %s = strtran(%s, [\\b], \"[\" ) where %s", memo_table,
                                                                        memo_field, memo_field, where_clause);
                                    nCode = myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST", memo_select.GetBuffer(0) ); 

                                    memo_select.Format("update %s set %s = strtran(%s, [\\c], \"]\" ) where %s", memo_table,
                                                                        memo_field, memo_field, where_clause);
                                    nCode = myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST", memo_select.GetBuffer(0) ); 

                                    memo_select.Format("update %s set %s = strtran(%s, [\\r], chr(13) ) where %s", memo_table,
                                                                        memo_field, memo_field, where_clause);
                                    nCode = myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST", memo_select.GetBuffer(0) ); 

                                    memo_select.Format("update %s set %s = strtran(%s, [\\n], chr(10) ) where %s", memo_table,
                                                                        memo_field, memo_field, where_clause);
                                    nCode = myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST", memo_select.GetBuffer(0) ); 

                                    // we also translated backslash to a safe char, so undo this translation now also
                                    memo_select.Format("update %s set %s = strtran(%s, [\\~], [\\] ) where %s", memo_table,
                                                                        memo_field, memo_field, where_clause);
                                    nCode = myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST", memo_select.GetBuffer(0) ); 

                                    char buffer[20];

                                    // get the rows affected
                                    itoa( nlast_no_updated, buffer, 10);

                                    // old code from dbi.pl (perl)
                                    //print "1:rows affected:$rc\n";

                                    // send string, "1" means succeed, then the value after the colon
                                    cout << "1:rows affected:";
                                    cout << buffer;
                                    cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";


                           // free malloced fields if called from the command line
                           if (bFromCmd) {



                  nCode = myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST", select); // "select * from agents order by nagentid"


                  if (nCode == MyRecordSet::CONNECT_ERROR) {
                           cout << "0:trouble connecting to database";
                           cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                  if (nCode == MyRecordSet::SQL_PREPARE_ERROR) {
                           cout << "0:trouble preparing statement";
                           cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                  if (nCode == MyRecordSet::SQL_EXECUTE_ERROR) {
                           cout << "0:trouble executing select";
                           cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                  // if this call is an update call (sql "update" or "delete" or "insert")
                  // then we return how many rows were affected, this is similar to old /cgi-bin/dbi.pl operation
                  if (bUpdateCall) {

                           /* an old sample insert call                           
                             myRS.DoQuery("VFPTEST","insert into agents  values (907, [first],[m],[last],"


                           char buffer[20];

                           // get the rows affected
                           ltoa( myRS.getRowCount(), buffer, 10);

                           // old code from dbi.pl (perl)
                           //print "1:rows affected:$rc\n";

                           // send string, "1" means succeed, then the value after the colon
                           cout << "1:rows affected:";
                           cout << buffer;
                           cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";

                           // and we're done, that's it, update returns less info than select

                  // otherwise return normal select information according to defined protocol of rema.pjx project and old crc2.pl
                  } else {

                           // according to crc2.pl sometimes odbc errs by returning empty columns, altho this could
                           // be a perl dbi.pm error possibly, at any rate to be paranoid this check is retained
                           if (myRS.column_count == 0) {
                                    cout << "0:bad select statement, no columns returned";
                                    cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
                           CString m_MainEdit = "";

                           m_MainEdit = myRS.GetColNameStr();
                           m_MainEdit += myRS.GetTypesStr();
                           m_MainEdit += myRS.GetWidthsStr() ;
                           m_MainEdit += myRS.GetDecStr();
                           m_MainEdit += myRS.GetNullsStr() ;

                           m_MainEdit += "data\n";

                           cout << m_MainEdit.GetBuffer(0);
                           m_MainEdit = "";

                           CString thisfield;
                           int n;
                           // fetch the actual data and send
                           while (myRS.Fetch()) {

                                    // iterate thru columns for this record
                                    for (n=1;n<= myRS.column_count;n++) {

                                             thisfield = myRS.getField(n); 
                                             // the standard field separator character is two vertical line chars "||"
                                             // however since this could in theory be contained in the sql field return value itself we must
                                             // translate around this somehow, I do this by translating "|" with "\|" for any 
                                             // occurrences of "|" in the field string itself.  I then untranslate
                                             // any occurrences of "\|" back to "|" on the foxpro create cursor end.  This way I can
                                             // be sure that "||" is a correct separator as it won't occur naturally in the field string
                                             // as all the "|" will be escaped to "\|" (so "||" would show up as "\|\|" and not look
                                             // like a field separator and not throw off the field parsing logic).  see rema.pjx if this
                                             // is confusing.
                                             thisfield.Replace("|", "\\|");
                                             thisfield.TrimRight(" "); // for faster data sent we can trim right characters off the end of
                                                                                                   // field data as fox will send all these blank spaces by default and it's not 
                                                                                                   // required.

                                             cout << thisfield.GetBuffer(0);
                                             cout << "||";


                                    if (bMemoSafeVersion)
                                             cout << "\x05\n";
                                             cout << "\n";
                           cout << "::END_OF_DATA::\n";




         return nRetCode;

// handle a few default odbc errors
void handle_errs(int nCode) 
         if (nCode == MyRecordSet::CONNECT_ERROR) {
                  cout << "0:trouble connecting to database";
                  cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
         if (nCode == MyRecordSet::SQL_PREPARE_ERROR) {
                  cout << "0:trouble preparing statement";
                  cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";
         if (nCode == MyRecordSet::SQL_EXECUTE_ERROR) {
                  cout << "0:trouble executing select";
                  cout << "\n::END_OF_DATA::\n";