*Program Listing for:  misctest.prg
*Project:  comsocket
*Namespace:  c++

* foxpro test of comsocket object
* note current object name of comsocket is sock_atl, you can change this
* in project to comsocket if you want.  remember you must register the
* COM object DLL with regsvr32.
* I wrote the below in debugging, of course, you could connect and stay 
* connected to any socket anywhere, thus this object is by definition, highly
* insecure and signing it with verisign would probably invoke legal action 
* later against you at some point.

* creates the object
osock1 = createobject("sock_atl.comsocket.1")

* attempt to connect to qwest mail server
cstr = osock1.sockconnect("pop.phnx.qwest.net", 25)

if ! empty( cstr )
         messagebox("socket 1 connection response:" + cstr)

* get the mail server string, usually this "ESTMP version X.X, connected to mailer, bla bla"
cstr2 = osock1.sockreceive()

? "received from 1:" + cstr2i

* get socket id returns low level socket id being used
? "socket id 1:" + ltrim(str(osock1.getsocketid()))

osock2 = createobject("sock_atl.comsocket.1")

cstr = osock2.sockconnect("pop.phnx.qwest.net", 25)
if ! empty( cstr )
         messagebox("socket 2 connection response:" + cstr)
cstr2 = osock2.sockreceive()
? "received from 2:" + cstr2
? "socket id 2:" + ltrim(str(osock2.getsocketid()))

? osock1.sockclose()
? osock2.sockclose()