--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Listing for: ComSocket.cpp Project: comsocket Namespace: c++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ComSocket.cpp : Implementation of CComSocket #include "stdafx.h" #include "Sock_atl.h" #include "comdef.h" #include "atlconv.h" #include "comutil.h" #include "ComSocket.h" #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CComSocket WSADATA wsaData; int wsa_inited = 0; // constructor just makes sure that winsock has been started appropriately // and sets a few class variables to defaults CComSocket::CComSocket() { sockinit_a(); nsocket = -1; this->breceive_error = false; this->sreceive_error_text = ""; this->bconnected = false; } // destructor doesn't do much, tries to close the socket if open CComSocket::~CComSocket() { BSTR dummy; if (sockclose(&dummy) == S_OK) { ; //MessageBox(NULL, "socket closed by destructor", "", 0); } else { ; //MessageBox(NULL, "socket close destructor call failure", "", 0); } } // close the socket method // note mostly we are using IDispatch here, e.g. calls from Foxpro or VBScript // so technically you shouldn't return S_FALSE since that value is ignored in // idispatch calls. For simplicity I'm using an empty string returned as success // if a non-empty string is returned, the string is the error that occurred. STDMETHODIMP CComSocket::sockclose(BSTR *pVal) { CComBSTR bstr_resp; bstr_resp = ""; // if the socket is open (won't close an already closed socket) if (nsocket != -1) { if (closesocket(nsocket)) { // set error string bstr_resp = "Error with socket close."; *pVal = bstr_resp.Detach(); return (S_FALSE ); } else { // return string is still empty, i.e. success *pVal = bstr_resp.Detach(); // set socket to a value showing it is closed nsocket = -1; this->bconnected = false; return (S_OK ); } } else { bstr_resp = "invalid socket."; *pVal = bstr_resp.Detach(); return ( S_FALSE ); } } // for convenience I needed a string trim function, since we are dealing // with wide strings the normal STL alltrim functions don't seem to work well // this appears a very slight flaw in the STL, the only trim functions seem to assume // non-wide strings, and fail with unicode type strings. (?) STDMETHODIMP CComSocket::alltrim_a(BSTR inVal, BSTR *outVal) { std::wstring string(inVal); std::wstring ret; ret = string; int n; int full_len; for (n= string.length() -1; n>= 0; n--) { if ( string[n] == ' ' || string[n] == '\r' || string[n] == '\n' ) ; else break; } full_len = n+1; if (full_len == 0) ret = string.substr(0, 0); else { ret = string.substr(0, full_len ); } CComBSTR str_back; str_back = ret.c_str(); *outVal = str_back.Detach(); return S_OK; } // this is the standard connection piece, tries to connect to a dotted address // or urlname, at given port, empty string returned means success, otherwise the // string returned is the error STDMETHODIMP CComSocket::sockconnect(BSTR *pURL, int port, BSTR *pResult) { struct sockaddr_in a; struct hostent *h; CComBSTR bstr_resp; bstr_resp = ""; bool is_bad = false; int s; this->breceive_error = false; this->sreceive_error_text = ""; std::wstring in_string(*pURL); TString in_string2; //TString is a typedef of my own in the header files: //typedef std::basic_string<_TCHAR> TString; // convert strings to right format h = gethostbyname( _com_util:: ConvertBSTRToString( *pURL) ); in_string2 = _com_util:: ConvertBSTRToString( *pURL) ; // the code below does another try for a ipv4 x.x.x.x format string // however I think gethostbyname now actually works with this in a normal // format so the below code may be unnecessary. also there is a better way to do this // via inet_addr function I think. // i'm using an ifdef as a way to comment this stuff out, for java if (false) is a good // construct but not for vc++ lol. (java if (false) will not compile the code but ignore it) #ifdef IPV4TEST if (false) { //h==NULL) { // try connecting to IP string if failure to connect to NAME int iPeer[4] ; iPeer[3] = iPeer[2] = iPeer[1] = iPeer[0] = 0; //in_string2 = alltrim(TString(in_string)); int npos; int ncnt = 0; int nlast = 0; while (1) { if (nlast > in_string2.length() - 1) { is_bad = true; break; } npos = in_string2.find(".", nlast); if (npos == std::wstring::npos) { if (ncnt < 3) { is_bad = true; break; } else { iPeer[ncnt++] = atoi( in_string2.substr(nlast).c_str() ); if (iPeer[ncnt] > 255) { is_bad = true; break; } } } else iPeer[ncnt++] = atoi( in_string2.substr(nlast, npos ).c_str() ); nlast = npos + 1; if (ncnt >= 4) break; } /* old test code here for old routine char *tests; tests = new char[12]; ::itoa(iPeer[0], tests, 10); MessageBox(NULL, tests, "", 0); ::itoa(iPeer[1], tests, 10); MessageBox(NULL, tests, "", 0); ::itoa(iPeer[2], tests, 10); MessageBox(NULL, tests, "", 0); ::itoa(iPeer[3], tests, 10); MessageBox(NULL, tests, "", 0); delete [] tests; if (is_bad) MessageBox(NULL, "is bad", "", 0); */ if (! is_bad ) { char cPeer[5] ; cPeer[0] = (unsigned char)iPeer[0] ; cPeer[1] = (unsigned char)iPeer[1] ; cPeer[2] = (unsigned char)iPeer[2] ; cPeer[3] = (unsigned char)iPeer[3] ; cPeer[4] = (char)0 ; // test see if it connects for a string of type "" h = ::gethostbyaddr( cPeer, 4, PF_INET); if (h==NULL) { //WSACleanup(); bstr_resp = "URL connection failed"; *pResult = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } } else { bstr_resp = "URL connection failed"; *pResult = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } } #endif // okay we are back to real executable code here a.sin_family = AF_INET; a.sin_port = htons(port); //a.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(in_string); memcpy( &(a.sin_addr.s_addr), h->h_addr, sizeof(int)); s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); this->nsocket = -1; if (s==0) { //WSACleanup(); bstr_resp = "Trouble creating socket"; *pResult = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&a, sizeof(a))) { //WSACleanup(); bstr_resp = "1:Trouble with socket: connecting"; *pResult = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } u_long utemp = 1; // I always set non-blocking on my sockets and poll them via various mechanisms // blocking under windows is not the best for what we are trying to do if (ioctlsocket (s, FIONBIO, &utemp)) { bstr_resp = "Trouble setting non-blocking"; *pResult = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } bstr_resp = ""; *pResult = bstr_resp.Detach(); this->nsocket = s; this->bconnected = true; return S_OK; } // actual send procedure, attempt to send a string via connected socket STDMETHODIMP CComSocket::socksend(BSTR *send_str, BSTR *resp) { int nsize; CComBSTR bstr_resp; bstr_resp = ""; TString in_string = _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString( *send_str ); nsize = in_string.length(); if ( send(nsocket, in_string.c_str(), nsize, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) { //WSACleanup(); bstr_resp = "Trouble with socket: connecting"; *resp = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } *resp = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } // check to see if any socket info in buffer, if so receive it to pRecStr STDMETHODIMP CComSocket::sockreceive(BSTR *pRecStr) { CComBSTR bstr_resp; bstr_resp = ""; int back; int back2; // we use msg_peek, note that 5000 is a good round number, for most higher speed // connections setting this to 1000 loses some speed, 5k seems about right per my testing back2 = recv(nsocket, myout, 5000, MSG_PEEK); // no data pending return if (back2 <= 0) { *pRecStr = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } // receive the pending data back = recv(nsocket, myout, 5000, 0); // was a good receive if (back2 > 0) { // this should never, ever, ever happen, but nevertheless, good to code for it anyway if (back2 > 5001) { MessageBox(NULL, "string range write error in ccomsocket::sockreceive, critical error", "", 0); bstr_resp = "string range write error in ccomsocket::sockreceive, critical error"; *pRecStr = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } // set the NULL string terminator to string end myout[back] = (char)0; // luckily we can direct assign BSTR's like this bstr_resp = myout; *pRecStr = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } // receive error if (back == -1) { bstr_resp = ""; *pRecStr = bstr_resp.Detach(); this->breceive_error = true; this->sreceive_error_text = "valid data pending actual call resulted in -1 receive code"; return S_OK; } // let's not treat this as an error, in a multi threading pull on the same socket this could // happen however it is very very very unlikely I think, some data was pending, but when we tried // to pull it, none was there, unlikely in the extreme but not really an error if (back == 0) { bstr_resp = ""; *pRecStr = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } // another type of error if (back == SOCKET_ERROR) { bstr_resp = ""; *pRecStr = bstr_resp.Detach(); this->breceive_error = true; this->sreceive_error_text = "valid data pending actual call resulted in SOCKET_ERROR receive code"; return S_OK; } bstr_resp = ""; *pRecStr = bstr_resp.Detach(); return S_OK; } // make sure sockets library is started bool CComSocket::sockinit_a(void) { if (! wsa_inited) { if (WSAStartup(0x101, &wsaData)) { return ( false ); } wsa_inited = 1; } return true; } // get the actual low level ID of this socket STDMETHODIMP CComSocket::getsocketid(int *nCurSocket) { *nCurSocket = nsocket; return S_OK; } // see if socket is connected or not STDMETHODIMP CComSocket::isconnected(BOOL *bConn) { if (this->bconnected) *bConn = TRUE; else *bConn = FALSE; return S_OK; }